With more people around the world gradually turning towards e-books; and as Kindles,iPads,Nooks and PCs are becoming the latest reading platforms, authors signing e-books on a large scale is an event that is a stone’s throw away in a broad technological aspect.Though this new concept is still in its infancy,some famous authors are employing ‘remote signings’ for their bestselling titles.

With Amazon functioning as the largest online bookstore selling millions of titles in their e-book version,it is an accepted fact that e-books are soon going to have their own way in people’s lives. A former programmer at Amazon named Evan Jacobs created the “Kindlegraph” which is a digital platform that enables authors to share personalized messages and inscriptions with their readers on their digital reading devices such as Kindles and iPads.

To use the Kindlegraph, the authors have to sign in with their twitter accounts to list the book’s ASIN and when a reader requests a kindlegraph, the author gets a notification.The down-side is that the authors have to scratch out a replica of their autographs using a mouse and it might require a lot of practice to get a decent signature.

“Autography” is another platform offering similar services. At the moment it is available only as an app for iPads.The company’s website does not describe how the trend is shaping itself up, rather describes how useful the app is in a mobile, virtual, online world. It also promises to save both the reader and the author the time and effort they have to invest in flesh and blood book signings.

We’ll have to wait and watch how these platforms turn out. Besides, when remote signings on digital devices become a torrential trend, I am certain most of us will not be taken completely unawares.


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