Many new scenes are visible at the on going trade fair at Delhi based Pragati Maidan.One,the most attractive product among the visitors are the hand made products at the Jharkhand Mandap.

Based on the Government of India’s theme ‘Make in India’,the Jharkhand Mandap is offering many hand made products of different prices.”They are being liked by many visitors”,said a staff of the Jharkhand Mandap.


“The most attractive part of the Madap is the low price of its products.As a result,many visitors are purchasing these products and taking them home”,he claimed.

The hand made products costing Rs 300-Rs 800 at the Jharkhand Mandap include artificial jewellry,paintings and house decorative items such as artificial flowers and sticks.

”We are feeling encouraged because our items are being liked by the visitors”,said Mandap’s staff Shish Mohshin.

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