Do you want your favourite Bollywood celebrity in person or even getting their autograph his/her autographs to keep for a lifetime?

Irrespective of your answer in yes or no,a company called Tring had identified this gap in the market-the gap between fans wanting more from the celebrities in terms of personal interaction & the celebrities wanting to give back more to their fans, individually.

As it is,Tring is now India's Largest Celebrity Shoutout Platform, with 2400 plus  celebrities in their ever-growing roster.This means that you can currently buy 4 products from Tring - Personalised Video Message, DM on Social Media, Live Video Call & Wishes on Radio!.

 All these unique products are extravagant & a medium to a grand gesture. The company Tring boasts of a elite clientele of top Bollywood & International Stars, including prominent celebrities like SainaNehwal, Neha Sharma, Sharman Joshi, Kiku Sharda, Salim Merchant, Sophie Choudry, with the likes of some International faces like, Enrique Arce from popular Netflix series Money Heist, Colin Mochrie, James Faulkner & Gilbert Gottfried to name a few. 

Records show that Tring had started their journey in February 2020 & in just under 1 year it has over 2400 celebrities listed and doing several thousand shoutouts, thus attracting funding from the Industry biggies like - Kalyan Krishnamurthy (Flipkart CEO), Sujeet Kumar (Udaan CEO), Gaurav Munjal (Unacademy CEO), Roman Saini, Hemesh Singh, Sumit Jain, Dinesh Godara (founding team of Unacademy), Keshav Sanghi (of Ventureworks India), Atul Kasbekar (Photographer and Movie Producer), Dalbir Saini (Chairman BDI Group) & the latest round funded by Ekta Kapoor's ALT Balaji (Balaji Telefilms group). 

The Founders of Tring - Akshay Saini, Rahul Saini & Pranav Chabhadia along with their team are pushing the market boundaries month on month to build awareness about the concept of celebrity shoutouts & grow this star-studded industry to its maximum potential.  

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