Jharkhand’s film makers are looking forward to get registered for entry and display of their films in the Brahmaputra Valley Film Festival. “ We were waiting for the day. 

Now since it’s organisers have sought entries, we will apply”, said Raju Kumar, a film producer in Ranchi, echoing the sentiments of a dozen film producers from Jharkhand. 

Brahmaputra Valley Film Festival is Northeast India’s most renowned film extravaganza. It is slated to be held for a ninth time. 

While the regional film makers awaited this film festival, the announcement in the form of publication of news regarding this film festival seems to have ignited them. 

The invites entries are expected to be from across the country in both the competitive and non-competitive categories. 

As per PTI report, the deadline for filmmakers to send in their entries for the 9th Brahmaputra Valley Film Festival (BVFF), is September 30, 2024. “Akin to previous editions, the 9th BVFF will be held in Guwahati.” 

Organised by Tattva Creations and Brahmaputra Foundation, BVFF has emerged as a destination for cinema lovers, combining both untold stories and finesse to create an enriching experience for all attendees. 

A melting pot of creativity and meaningful cinema, BVFF has enriched the cultural landscape of cinema in the region and has consistently witnessed an average of 25,000 visitors per edition.


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