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Jamshedpur Utility and Services Company (JUSCO), a 100 per cent subsidiary unit of Tata Steel which maintains and provides municipal services in Tata command area of the city, has constructed roads in the steel city using the environment-friendly technology of utilizing waste plastic.

The company uses bitumen technology on waste plastic, ranging from polybags to biscuit packets, for constructing roads.

The bitumen technology (Dry Process) patented by Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Tirupparankuram, Madurai, has been implemented on accumulated waste plastic for the first time by the steel city, said Gaurav Anand, Senior Manager of JUSCO.

According to Anand, the use of bitumen has been reduced by 7 per cent ever since JUSCO began using waste plastic in road construction work.

He said that the quality and longevity of roads made of waste plastic-aggregate-bitumen was two times better than bitumen road.

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