*Representational image, credit: medicircle.in

Reacting to the state government of Jharkhand’s  June 10 decision to include private hospitals for treatment of COVID patients at the state and district level, the state unit of the Indian Medical Association (IMA) has highlighted its dangerous implications.

A statement issued by the state unit of the IMA on June 13 states that the decision is against the innocent patients of these private hospitals who can now face dangerous threats to get infected by COVID-19.

Prior to this, a meeting of IMA state unit members was held on June 13. In this meeting, a decision was taken to apprise the government of serious implications of its own decision.

“When every hospital starts admitting COVID patient, all medical and paramedical staff working there will face the problem of getting infected”, states IMA state unit.

The international study has shown that following the use of PPE KIT and despite adopting ICU norms, medical and paramedical staff have got infected and many have lost life, it adds. Indian Medical Association has demanded that in Jharkhand, medical service providers should be given all facilities to private hospitals’ medical and paramedical employees that were meant for their counterparts of the government hospitals. Even PPE KIT supply facility as well as Quarantine set up should be made available to private hospitals by the government.

Management of almost all private hospitals is such that it is not possible for anyone of them to treat COVID and non - COVID patients separately. “Especially their patients of kidney and respiratory deceases can face dangerous threat once COVID patient is treated alongside”, IMA state unit apprised the state government.

The advice is, states the same body, in a situation in which registered COVID and non-COVID hospitals get packed up with patients, any private hospital whose owner is ready to serve COVID patients can be acquired by the state government.

Against this backdrop, IMA has suggested that these two types of patients should not be assembled in any other hospital. “Otherwise, the COVID virus can spread among other patients and thereby the society will face its dangerous implications”, states the statement issued by the state unit of the IMA in Jharkhand.

The statement was jointly signed by IMA state Secretary Dr Pradeep Singh, District Secretary, Dr Shambhu, President M.A Hospital Board of India, Dr R.S.Das and President AHPI, Jharkhand Mr Gambhir.


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