*Newly commissioned Electronic Interlocked System at SER Stations

South Eastern Railway has been constantly laying emphasis on modernisation of signalling system to enhance safety and capacity in train operations. 

Up-gradation of signalling system is a continuous process and helps to facilitate train operations at higher speed and even in inclement weather. A modernised signalling system not only ensures safety in train operations but also helps to provide seamless operation.

SER has been laying stress on modernisation and up-gradation with Electronic Interlocking, Route Relay Interlocking and Panel Interlocking works to make train operations safer and more efficient.

Keeping in view the advantages of modern signalling system, South Eastern Railway during the year 2020-21 has commissioned/modified/replaced the following signalling systems within its jurisdiction:
• New Interlocking System has been commissioned at 26 stations viz. Rajkharswan, Bahalda Road, Joychandipahar etc. 

• Old Relay Interlocking Systems have been replaced by New Interlocking Systems at 9 stations viz. Ghatsila, Amta etc. 

• Mechanical Lever Frame Interlocking Systems have been replaced by Electronic Interlocking Systems at 

12 stations viz. Garbeta, Talgoria, Bokaro, Lodhma etc.

New Panel Room of Interlocked Station

In the financial year 2021-22, SER has also planned the following signal up-gradation works to be completed:
• Route Relay Interlocking with Electronic Interlocking will be completed at Adra station.
• Panel Interlocking is targeted to be completed at Haludpukur and Aunlajhori stations.
• Electronic Interlocking Work is targeted to be completed at Bondamunda, Muradih, Domjur, Bargachia, Birarajpur and Adra Stations.

In addition, CTC (Centralised Traffic Control) has also been planned in Howrah-Kharagpur Section for faster movement of train service. All these modernisation works will make this railway future-ready in train operation and safety aspect.


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