Pic courtesy:personaldevelopment123.ne
What is life if full of care
We have no time to rest and stare
The above lines are self explanatory.It simply implies that life is dull and monotonous if you have no spare moments at our disposal so that you can while around.
However demanding the daily grind of our life, we have to have peace,solace and leisure.An old adage has it that a person is known by the way he spends his spare time.
So,it is quite essential that leisure must be utilised in the right manner. So one must cultivate meaningful and absorbing activities. Such interesting work would not only broaden one’s mind but also strengthen confidence.
The modern age is full of stress and there is cut throat competition everywhere. Work holism has become so rampant that there is an increase in stress related ailments like depression, ulcers, hypertension and so on.In such a situation a hobby can provide a lot of solace if pursued with zeal and enthusiasm.
A change of routine provides a chance to unwind and restore the levels of energy. Many renound persons of the world have earned fame and success through their hobbies although they were in some other profession.
Leonardo-da-Vinci could become an immortal painter when he started painting as a layman. Mahatma Gandhi derived immense physical fitness and strength as his favourite hobby was walking long distances.
The list is endless from which one can choose a leisure activity. Simple hobbies are reading, writing, music, sports, gardening,so on and so forth.Some people like to collect and preserve things like stamps, old coins, ancient and rare things etc. Rendering help to the society is also possible in one’s spare time.
Such hobbies give a chance to care for the less fortunate people.As such,you and I,old, young, male or female should pick up a hobby to lead a productive life happily.