Dudhimati is a cent percent ST populated village about 7-8 Km from Bokaro. Villagers mainly engaged in farming lead a simple life not bothering for higher standard of living. The reason, they are not motivated for adopting new technology of agriculture & allied activities like dairy, poultry, goatery etc for generating extra income.

Bank of India’s newly opened branch office guided by me with an official information, moved to different villages to issue Kisan Credit Card (KCC) to the farmers. Inquiring with the incharge of a school, it was found that no KCC’s was issued till date. They had stopped expecting anything as there was no response from anywhere.

Farmers were suggested to form Farmers club and assured of financial assistance through issuance of KCC’s. ‘Birsa Farmers Club’ was immediately formed. Within 2-3 days Kisan Credit Card were issued using the affidavit of land possession and certificate from Mukhia. Now they are enjoying banking with the support of farmers club. Now we have to take pain in mobilising the farmers and convincing them to take the benefit of this facility.

B.K.Sinha, also an agriculture graduate, in consultation with the State Govt. surveyed for installation of drip irrigation. Meetings with the farmers at their doorstep or at branch premises were held to discuss all the activities to be undertaken for the all round development of the village with the active participation of Farmers’ club.

Bank has given progressive limit of 5 yrs to the farmers with increasing limit of 10-15% year to year basis as per cost escalation of inputs. Now farmers are adopting improved farm practices with financial assistance from the bank. They are also taking 2-3 crops in a year as per availability of source of water. They are confident that at any time of need, all types of assistance /support will be given by the bank . Farmers are proud of their bank which made them feel like owners.

If drip irrigation is installed to all eligible farmers with full fledged source of irrigation, this village may be categorised as a model village of Bokaro District in Jharkhand.

Farmers of another nearby village Sijua, also approached the Bank for issuance of Kisan Credit Card. They also formed the Subhas Chandra Bose farmer’s club and are enjoying Banking facilities of KKCs. They also feel owners’ pride for their own Bank, Bank of India – Tentulia Branch (Bokaro).


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