Internal politics has left the ruling JMM without any ammunition against the coalition government led by chief minister Arjun Munda.

While its two senior leaders-Hemlal Murmu and Mathura Mahto -who are ministers in the Munda government,have opposed the move initiated by the JMM leadership asking Munda to transfer the post of the CM to it on completion of 28 month tenure of Munda on January 11,Deputy CM Hemant Soren has not opened his mouth.

Party sources claim the divide within the JMM was visible in the meeting of the party’s legislatures today when Murmu and Bhagat,backed by more than five MLAs including Shashank Shekhar Bhokta,expressed the view that the party should continue to back the Munda government.They were opposed by Simon Marandi and Polus Surin.

“The Munda government was good for the BJP and it was not serving the interests of the JMM”,said Surin echoing the sentiments of Simon and Sita Soren.Hemant reportedly maintained a studied silence.

Earlier Soren had submitted a list of issues claiming that the BJP and the JMM had struck a deal envisaging to share the post of the CM for 28-month each and since the 28 month tenure of Munda ends on January 11,he should facilitate the JMM to occupy the seat.

Munda rejected it claiming there was no such deal entered into between the two parties.His firm stand,backed by his sauve and political acumen, left the JMM with just three possibilities.

One,severe ties with the BJP paving the fall of the Munda government.Two,shake hand with the Congress and the Independents to form a new government.Three,imposition of the President’s rule,if the Congress and the Independents don’t come together.

Since some legislatures within the Congress and a section of its top leadership were not ready to form the government led by Hemant and backed by Independents,the JMM’s supremo Shibu Soren was in a fix.Guruji,who is in dotage,wanted Hemant to get accepted as the CM.But in view of the opposition within the party and the Congress,he looked grim.

Against this backdrop,Shibu Soren is bound to buy time.A clear indication toward this end was given by JMM’s spokesperson Suprio Bhattacharya this afternoon when he said:”We are ready to talk to the BJP.”

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