Man with flab can survive multiple stabbings,according to a report published by Daily Mail.

Forty four year old Danny Ross, a computer analyst by profession,is a case in point.He had got 70 stitches after he was strangled with a belt and then knifed dozen times inside his home.

His stabber,David Johnson, 33, was convicted of attempted murder at Exeter Crown Court on Monday.

Report said Ross was watching TV at home in Exeter city centre last August when Johnson knocked on the door and accused him of stealing money from a family member.”Johnson carried out a sudden and hurried attack by throttling him by his belt and after he fainted,he stabbed him 38 times with a kitchen knife”,said the report.

Now while Jhonson is set to be sentenced y court,Ross has come out of hospital thanking his thick layer of flab on his stomach which helped him save his life..

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