*Chief Minister Hemant Soren launching three rural development schemes from inside Secretariat in Ranchi on May 4, 2020.

With an aim to create job opportunities, Chief Minister Hemant Soren has launched three rural development schemes 

These schemes were billed as 'Birsa harit gram Yojana', 'Nilamber-Pitamber Jal Samridhi Yojana' and 'Veer Shahid Poto Ho Khel Vikas Yojana' related to Rural Development Department.

Soren said that through these schemes of the Rural Development Department, the target is to create 25 crores man-days, from which about 20 thousand crore rupees will be received by lakhs of laborers as their wages. 

"In this time of crisis, work should be done with honesty and readiness so that more and more needy people can be benefited from the schemes", said the CM.

At a time when the state is fighting with this Corona Virus pandemic, the state lacks resources. Yet, the government is committed to creating better health facilities, and generate employment for the migrant workers who are returning to the state, he said.

Most of the employment of Jharkhand is connected with farms. In this time of crisis, Industries are closed and in such a situation, a plan of action has been prepared for this so that employment can be generated and hunger like situation does not arise before rural people. These schemes can play a decisive role in this crisis-ridden time.

The Chief Minister said that under the Birsa harit gram Yojana, a target has been set to plant fruit-bearing trees. In this, priority will be given to the elderly and widow. 

So that employment can be made available for them also. Through the scheme, fruit-bearing saplings will be planted beside government roads, government land and personal land. 

The villagers will be responsible for taking care of these plants, thinks Soren. They will also be given a plant patta, so that they can earn from fruits. 

After about three years of plantation, each family is expected to have an annual income of Rs 50,000. Also, in the event of an increase in productivity of fruits, the government is also working on a plan to process fruits.

The Chief Minister said that there is no dearth of sports talent in the state. The government has started a plan to construct playgrounds at the panchayat level. Through the Veer Shahid Poto Ho khel Vikas Yojana, the government will work to enhance the talent of sportspersons and reservation in jobs will also be given through sports. 

The players of the state have achieved great feats and in the process made the state and the country proud despite limited resources. "Players here also have the ability to perform better than states like Punjab and Haryana", said the CM.

The purpose behind the name 'Veer Shahid Poto' is also to make the present and coming generation aware of the valor of the martyr Shaheed Poto Ho who bravely fought against the British at Singhbhum. Poto Ho was martyred on 1 January 1838 at Serengasia Valley. Therefore, every year in Khuntapani, 1st January is celebrated as Martyr's Day.

The Chief Minister said that through Nilamber Pitambar Jal Samridhi Yojana, there is a plan to increase five lakh crore litres of water. The promotion of groundwater harvesting is the need of the hour. Wastelands are to be made cultivable through the scheme.

Alamgir Alam, Rural Development Minister said that the schemes are being implemented by the department in this time of crisis. The Nilamber Pitamber Jal Samridhi Yojana has been implemented to benefit the farmers. 

Efforts will be made to provide employment in rural areas following social distance. The government is working towards providing employment to the migrant laborers with limited resources. In Jharkhand, water harvesting is necessary so that multi-crop farming can be done. 

Plantation has been there since before, but now economic benefit is to be provided to the people. Playgrounds will be prepared with the purpose of chiseling the talent of youth in sports. It is the priority to generate and provide jobs under MNREGA.

Mithlesh Thakur, Minister of Drinking Water and Sanitation  said that this is a unique initiative of the State Government. The plans aim to increase the productivity potential of agriculture. 

★features of the schemes launched by the Chief Minister

Veer Shahid Poto Ho khel Vikas Plan Yojana

● Construction of five thousand playgrounds across the state including all panchayats, provision of sports equipment for youth and young women, running of training centers at the block and district level, special reservation in government jobs for sportspersons and one crore man-days under MNREGA.

Nilamber-Pitambar Jal Samridhi Yojana

● Construction of various water conservation structures, increase in annual water conservation capacity of the state by five lakh crore liters, generating 10 crore man-days under MNREGA and cultivation of five lakh acres of wasteland.

Birsa Harit Gram Yojna

●100-100 fruit-bearing plant pattas to five lakh families will be given, plantation of five crores of plants throughout the state, protection of the plants for the next five years, setting up of processing units at the block and district level, arrangements for making the product easily available to the market, a fixed annual income of fifty thousand rupees to each family, generation of 25 crore man-days under MNREGA.

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