*KGBK Students studying in a ground of the village in Ranchi during the lockdown

Online teaching is no more a mere dream; it's now a developing reality. Globally, it has been growing at a fast pace and is now worth billions of rupees. But this tremendous growth has not been equitable.

Teaching online is considered an "information technology domain' including in terms of speed of the Internet-3G,4G,5G-video making, photography, smart mobile, Apps and format designing. At a time when an entire generation is taking its technical cues and influences from its educational cues and influences from a smartphone, ensuring internet communication has become vital.

Against this backdrop, the work and achievements of a dozen Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya(KGBK) teachers, guided by their co-ordinator Seema Prasad stand out. Her smart mobile carries beneficiaries-students of online exercises, pre-recorded video lectures, pictures and lectures in words for KGBK's students and teachers who were connected on WhatsApp groups. She is a motivator and guide as well.

*Status of the WhatsApp Groups of students and teachers who exchange lectures/questions/answers.

KGBK's students and teachers were residing in their houses after Coronavirus lockdown left their residential schools in lock and key. Though they were miles away from each other, they remained connected in WhatsApp Groups. Once a video lecture was posted, all members of the group viewed it and learnt. Soon, the same video was circulated among members of other groups.

Similarly, average students of Tata Workers Union High School which was lying shut, were being taught by its teacher on their WhatsApp Group platform. To reply to their queries, this teacher rings up and explains."Initially, there was a lot of problems.But students learnt the trick of the game and started learning", said Seema quoting the teacher.

While staying at their respective homes, students of Utkramit Madhya Vidyalaya, Khadka under Govindpur Block in Dhanbad district organised painting competition on 'prevention of COVID-19' during the lockdown period.' They tried to pass a message to their parents", said Seema.

*Seema Prasad

Ranchi University lecturer  Pravesh Singh teaches students online by using Zoom/YouTube Live and pre-recorded video lectures. "Zoom works in making a classroom. It allows comments/raising hands and so on", said Singh.

However, all is not well. More often than not, the speed of the Internet was of 3G on 4G mode. In many areas of Santhal Pargana, Hazaribagh, Chotanagpur and Palamau, there was no Internet facility available to make smartphone functional."These shortcomings are bottlenecks in advancing online teaching programme", said Singh.

 In any case, amid coronavirus lockdown, online teaching has gained momentum, changing learning and teaching games.

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