*Picture Courtesy jharenvis.nic.in

Jharkhand forest department has invited applications in a prescribed format from qualified and interested candidates for filling 400 vacancies to the post of Forest Guards through direct recruitment. 

The offline application process towards the same closes on June 30, 2020 by 5:00 pm. 

Candidates interested in applying for Forest Guards post through Jharkhand Forest Department Recruitment must not have exceeded 64 years of age, with relaxation (upper age limit) for reserved categories as applicable.
For details regarding application fee, refer to the official advertisement given at the end of the article.

Educational Criteria And Eligibility
Desirous candidates applying for Forest Guards post through Jharkhand Forest Department Recruitment should be a retired Forest Guard/Forestman and other officers holding equivalent qualifications, and retired officers of this level (having experience in agriculture, horticulture, afforestation)/retired military personnel as specified in the advertisement.

Selection And Pay Scale
The selection of candidates for Forest Guards post through Jharkhand Forest Department Recruitment will be done through Shortlisting and Interview.

Candidates selected for Forest Guards post through Jharkhand Forest Department Recruitment will be paid emolument as per the prescribed norms.

How To Apply
Candidates applying for Forest Guards post through Jharkhand Forest Department Recruitment must fill the application form in a prescribed format attached with the advertisement, and send the same along with self-attested copies of relevant supporting documents to the address specified in the notification on or before June 30, 2020 by 5:00 pm through a proper channel.

Download application form and read the detailed notification about Jharkhand Forest Department Recruitment for Forest Guards post here http://forest.jharkhand.gov.in/budgetFile/Forester%20Vacancy.pdf 


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