*Picture shows Brigadier Sunil Gupta addressing press conference in Ranchi on Friday.
Come International Yoga Day on June 21 and nearly 6000 NCC cadets will perform yoga across Jharkhand.
This information was provided by Brigadier Sunil Gupta,Group Commander,NCC,in Ranchi on Friday.A specific 35-minute protocol has been chalked out for the day in an attempt to make NCC cadets perform yoga simultaneously all over the country.
These nearly 6000 NCC cadets will be guided by about 600 yoga trainers,said Brigadier Gupta.”They will be in uniform dress.After the yoga is performed,all cadets will be served breakfast.”
Brigadier Gupta said training in in progress at all locations including ISM,Dhanbad,Cooperative College,Jamshedpur and Morahabadi Maidan in Ranchi.The participants are going to get bonus marks for NCC A,B,C certificate.