Apollo hospital in Ranchi is in the spotlight.And reacting to the allegations that the Chotanagpur Regional Handloom Weavers Cooperative Union based at Irba in Ranchi had diverted Rs 3.14 crore to build it,its associate Manjoor Ahmad Ansari has denied that there was any lapse committed by the Union.
“There is no lapse whatsover.All records were checked and no fund was diverted”,said Ansari.
A report front paged by a popular Hindi daily-Prabhat Khabar-alleged that the audited accounts of the Union showed that it had diverted Rs 3.14 crore meant for the promotion of weavers in Jharkhand during 1996-2005.Ansari is associated with both the Union and the hospital.
“The diverted money was used to build the hospital.The bank had given a loan of Rs 1.59 crore to the cooperative bodies associated with the Union.From these bodies,the Union took the money to make available to them the thread needed by them,but the fund was used for private purpose.As a result,12 out of 99 bodies created the fabric.The rest bodies turned almost dead leaving 12,000 weavers jobless”,claimed the report authored by Shakeel Ahmad.
The Union owns a hospital managed by Apollo Group.The state government’s cooperative department had with the audit report attached with a file forwarded it to the concerned Minister for necessary action.But two and a half months later,the Minister returned the file without making any comment.
Again the file was sent to the then Chief Minister Madhu Koda on April 8,2005.A meeting was held.In this meeting it was decided to review the audit report.The Director of the cooperative Department reviewed it and returned the file.Then,the file remained under the wraps for almost two years.
‘Later,the Director again reviewed the file and returned it to the department.It is alleged that the Director tried to hush up the audit lapses in a smart way”,said Ahmad’s report claiming that the department had prepared a proposal to get the case investigated by the CBI.