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Jharkhand Cabinet today decided to increase the retirement age of Home Gurads from 58 years to 60 years.

A proposal toward this end was approved by the state Cabinet headed by Chief Minister raghubar Das today.

Other important decisions taken by the Cabinet in Ranchi were:

*The Rain Water Harvesting approval would be necessary for construction of any building over 300 square metres.

*A minimum of five percent production of solar power would be necessary under Group Housing Schemes.

*Special Purpose Vehicle approved for Mono Rail project under Jharkhand Urban Transport Corporation Ltd.

*Rs 282.2 crore project meant to implement Microdrip Irrigation schemes by Japan International Corporation Agency.

*Rs 21 crore for proposed expenditure and Rs 20 crore for minimum expenditure under Pradhan mantri Adarsh Gram Yojna-2015-16 was approved.

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