On the ongoing ‘Bharat Parv’ programme in New Delhi,Jharkhand tourism’s stall with authentic delicacies and cultural tradition of this tribal heartland has won the heart of Delhiites.
Amidst fine environment and windy weather the warmth of Jharkhandi Thaali and it’s aroma has increased the appetite of residents of Delhi.”No wonder the hospitality and the delicacies from the kitchen of Adivasi household has tickled the taste buds of visitors, so much so that people are repeatedly coming to the stall to find the solace”,said a participant.
Some well-known tribal food items in the platter are chhilka,dhuska, kurthi daal, red rice, maduwa roti, lal saag, khassi jhor, dehati chicken,dudhiya and dudh peetha.
All these dishes are otherwise not very popular nationally but Bharat Parv has given a great platform to the chefs of Jharkhand to woo the world through their culinary skills.
Tourism Department Govt. of Jharkhand,reportedly is taking things with great passion.”It can well be seen when Tourism Director Mrs. Suchitra Sinha herself took the charge of inviting and introducing Jharkhand ki Thaali to the visitors in the stall”,said another participant.
Apart from the cuisine there’s lot to offer in the stall by the Tourism Dept. In terms of showcasing the art craft and folk culture through dance which are greatly liked and captured through the lens by the visitors.
Jharkhand’s buzz in the national capital’s Pragati Maidan is also witnessing, where on the occasion of 23rd South Asia Travel & Tourism Exchange programme is proceeding.
“The event is seeing visitors from different states flocking around and enquiring about tribal heartland,Jharkhand”,said an official of the state tourism department.
Director Tourism,Jharkhand,Suchitra Sinha finds this a great sign to promote tourism in the state and make the world realise what Jharkhand can offer to them.