BSNL-Federation of Jharkhand Chamber of Commerce and Industry(FJCCI) today held a meeting and resolved to address the probelms of former’s consumers.

Among 45-50 complaints connected with the land line phone and Internet connectivity, 20 complaints were addressed.The complainants not only took part in the meeting,but also raised their problems.

Most of these problems were concerning the tele phone connectivity,non functioning of the broadband,slow speed of the Internet,non availability of bill in time and call drop.

During the meeting BSNL officers claimed that the service provided by the company was functional though major problems faced by it were mainly created by removal of cables due to construction of drains and roads in Ranchi.Even the theft of cable in many parts of the city has often caused severe problem to the BSNL.

“Even then,despite carrying limited resources,the BSNL takes measures and restores connectivity”,said the BSNL officer adding that the state PHED ,Electricity and Ranchi Municipal Corporation officials were apprised of the problem

“Because due to the construction of roads and drains,large number of cables were damaged.If the coordinated efforts are made by the departments,many problems can be prevented”,said the same BSNL officer appealing to the FJCCI representatives to cooperate and request these departments not to indulge in cable destruction work.

FJCCI’s Sub Committee(Telecom)Chairman Pravin Chawra said that a talk was held with the CS about the destruction of BSNL’s cables.”This has heralded many positive results”,said Chawra.

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