Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar alongwith National President of Jharkhand Disom Party Salkhan Murmu, JDU President Jharkhand Jaleshwar Mahto and senior Tribal leaders during the ‘Adivasi Sengal Abhiyan Maha rally’ .Pic by Ratan Lal
Bihar's Chief Minister, Nitish Kumar was in Ranchi today.He was here to take part in a mega tribal protest rally the 'Sengel' movement organised against the amendments made in the Chotanagpur Tenancy Act (CNT-1908) and Santhal Parganas Tenancy Acts (SPTA-1949).
A couple of weeks ago a delegation of tribal leaders led by Ex-MP Sakhlan Murmu had paid visit to Nitish Kumar in Patna and had sought his support for the tribal cause.
Thousands of tribals from across the state attended today's protest rally to pledge their support for the ongoing Sengel movement.
On 23rd November last year, the Raghubar Das government had amended the two laws and got it cleared in the assembly through voice vote amid huge protest from the opposition leaders. The amendments in the law will empower the government to use agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes.
Addressing the rally, Nitish Kumar said that the Das government is trying to erase the identity of the tribal people by making amendments in the CNT & SPT Acts. He also said that just like Bihar, in Jharkhand too there should be a complete liquor ban.
However, the Raghubar Das government is unfazed by the numerous protests.The party is of the opinion that those who are protesting against the amendments are the real enemy of the tribals as they don't want the tribals to grow and prosper.