Pic:ISKCON and Sri Kamre Baba Ashram Trust office bearers inside later’s premise at Kamre,8 km from Ranchi.
While the Vedic Cultural Centre of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) has come up in Pune,the scared Kamre Baba Ashram in Ranchi is set to accommodate it.
Nearly three of nine acres of land belonging to Sri Kamre Baba Ashram Trust was leased out to ISKCON for setting up its centre in Ranchi,capital of Jharkhand.
If the Vedic Cultural Centre at Pune built by ISKCON is expected to become a spiritual, architectural and educational landmark of Pune,the land of Sri Kamre Baba Ashram is set to be used by ISKCON to build a temple cum cultural centre.
Even the maintenance of the premise owned Sri Kamre Baba Ashram Trust is going to be the responsibility of ISKCON.