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Sabita Kumari picks up solid organic waste comprising left over of her house and puts it up on a bag half buried in the ground.In a span of three months,the entire waste turns into compost.

This has made her house litter free and kitchen garden green."We have been doing it for the past two years.This has helped us save money to pay to municipal body and buy fertilizer for the kitchen garden.More over,we are using our organic waste for cultivating vegetables",smiles Sabita.

Sabita may be an odd woman in the Swatcch Bharat Abhiyan launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the country.But,compost making out of organic waste has gained ground in the form of a practical subject adopted by Navodya Adivasi Vidyalaya in Baludih,Jamshedpur.

Inside this school,waste management has been part of activities that enable its students to learn a lesson that is bound to make many of them remember and practice in their own life.

A brain child of a voluntary organisation Change India Foundation,the school students have built a simple composing system-an earthen pot-and they were learning how to turn organic waste material into something useful in the process-compost.

As a result the students dispose of solid organic waste such as left overs in earthen box half buried in the ground to covert it into compost.As a result,the school campus is now litter free.More,it has helped students gain first hand knowledge about the chemical and biological processes that turn waste into fertilizer.

"We want to spread this initiative so that students and teachers gain first-hand knowledge on waste management",says Anand Parti,a volunteer of the Change India Foundation. backs the move-solid waste management guide- and appeals to its readers to learn and teach kids so that they can retain this practice for life."Implement this idea at your homes too.We are sure you will benefit from it in your own kitchen garden",said Manoj Prasad,Editor. 

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