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As many as a total number of 88,229 civil and criminal cases are pending in Jharkhand High Court. The Union Minister of State for Law and Justice and Corporate Affairs P.P. Chaudhary provided the information to the Rajya Sabha on February 8, 2019 in reply to a question raised by Rajya Sabha member Parimal Nathwani. According to the Minister’s statement tabled in the House, total 40,92,732 civil and criminal cases are pending with 23 High Courts in the country.
The approved strength of high courts judges in Jharkhand is 25, against that 07 posts are vacant, said the minister. As against the total approved strength of 1079 judges total of 400 posts are vacant in 25 High Courts in the country, stated the minister.
Mr. Nathwani wanted to know about the number of vacancies of Judges in the Supreme Court and various High Courts of the country, the number of pending cases in various High Courts and the Supreme Court of India and the steps taken by the Government in last four years to ease stress and burden of higher judiciary in the country.
According to the minister’s statement, total 58,029 cases are pending with the Supreme Court of India as on February 1,2019. Further, as against the total approved strength of 31 judges in the Supreme Court, total 03 posts are vacant.
According to the Minister’s statement, 18 Judges were appointed in the Supreme Court and 384 Judges were appointed in various High Courts of the country during 2015-2018. The Government has also increased the Judges strength of the High Courts from 906 in May 2014 to 1079 at Present,” the statement added.
The minister also stated that the government has taken several steps to provide an ecosystem for faster disposal of cases by the judiciary including establishment of the National Mission for Justice Delivery and Legal Reforms, improving infrastructure (court halls and residential units) for Judicial Officers of District and Subordinate Courts, leveraging Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for better justice delivery and emphasis on Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) to fast track special type of cases.