*Image credit: india.com
The Economist Amartya Sen was appointed as chairman of Nalanda Mentor Group in 2007 & made first Chancellor of famous Nalanda University (NU) in Bihar by Congress govt in 2012.
He enjoyed a salary of Rs 5 Lakh per month, tax-free benefits, unaccounted foreign travels, meeting in luxury hotels, the power to direct appointments, etc.
Nine years during Manmohan Singh's tenure, Amartya Sen ran Nalanda University while mostly staying abroad. He appointed seven faculties. Made Nalanda University a 5-star hotel.
Total expenditure was staggering Rs 2729 crores.
Four female faculties, Dr Gopa Sabharwal, Dr Anjana Sharma, Nayanjot Lahiri and Upinder Singh from Delhi University were made faculties.
Upinder Singh is the eldest daughter of Manmohan Singh, while the remaining three were Upinder's close friends. Two more faculties were appointed, honorary, Daman Singh & Amrit Singh. Middle & youngest daughters of Manmohan Singh. They stayed in the USA while drawing a salary!
All these happened with the collaboration of Amartya Sen & Congress high command.
After 2014, when Modi arrived, all these frauds were stopped and Amartya Sen was thrown out of Nalanda University. Since that day Amartya Sen began his trenchant criticism of Modi's economic agenda. However, at the world level, he failed to impress any other economist against Modi.