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Did you know that none of thousands of pregnant women in Jharkhand have never known what it is tested to detect Coronavirus?For,with four of their counterparts were declared COVID -19 +ve, they have been used to prenennial ignorance.Yes,naturally.

But finally, there's one certainty:the Jharkhand Health Departnent will test 52000 odd pregnant women by getting them screened for COVID-19 in advance.

" All hospitals and health institutions in all districts of the state have been asked to screen them(pregnant women) for COVID-19", confirmed Principal Secretary( Health) Nitin Madan Kulkarni.

This means that every pregnant woman has to undergo COVID-19 test in advance. " It is one additional pain I will have to undergo.Sad really", cribs Basanti Devi,pregnant since last eight months.

To undergo the test, the sample in the form of Swab from the back of a person is necessary.So, it is collected by having her tip head back and then a swab is gently inserted through one of her nostrils  until resistance is met.

" It is not very painful, but it is highly uncomfortable, left my eyes in tears", cribbed a pregnant woman who underwent the COVID-19 test at RIMS hospital in Ranchi on Sunday.

The Jharkhand Health Department has placed orders for procuring a machine called True net from the Centre for installing them in the districts for conducting COVID-19 tests.

In fact, Truenet machines are imported products and are used for testing Tuberculosis.The ICMR has approved the use of True net tests for COVID-19 testing. 


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