Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi will address the Big Tent Activate Summit 2013 organised by Google tomorrow through Google+Hangout,according to a Gujarat government communique.
The communiqué said today that Modi will interact with Eric Schmidt, chairman of Google through Google+ Hangout,the Guardian’s Editor-in-Chief Alan Rusbridger and Stephanie Cutter,who worker for US President Barack Obama’s 2008 and 2012 campaigns as Deputy Director.
Prior to holding the mike and addressing them,Modi,who is the first chief minister from India,who was invited by Google to speak at its summit through Google + Hangout,is supposed to speak on the theme-‘Technology in Politics’.
The summit aims to put focus on the influence of web in shaping India’s future,in field such as economics,politics,culture,media,education and governance.
Google has held such summits across the world including in New York City, London, Berlin, Madrid, Nairobi, Moscow and Seoul.Though the dates of the latest summit was not known,Modi himself has been tech savvy,active on social media and has around 13 lakh followers on the twitter.
During the elections in Gujarat,Modi had used Google + Hangout
Earlier, for the first time in August 2012, the Gujarat chief minister had interacted with the people via Google Hangout to interact with the electorates.