Chief Minister Hemant Soren said that District Administration and Police should ensure that no person, whether from Jharkhand or any other state, moves to their destination on foot in Jharkhand. 

All the officials should work with full sensitivity. He has directed to form groups of such people, take full care of their health check-up and make arrangements for their transportation so that they could reach their destination safely. 

He has also instructed to coordinate with the nodal officers of the home states of the migrants to make arrangements for their movement. It is the responsibility of the government to take care of the migrant laborers within the border of Jharkhand.

Following the orders of the Chief Minister, MV Rao, Director General of Police has directed all the Superintendents of Police/Senior Superintendents of Police to coordinate with the Deputy Commissioners of their respective districts to ensure compliance of the instructions on a priority basis.


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