*Solar Panel installed at Tatanagar Railway Station for Energy Conservation.

South Eastern Railway has taken stringent measures in the area of non traction energy conservation. 

Result is admirable. It has saved 12.3 million units non traction power (general services). In consequence, SER has gained monetary savings of Rs. 5.32 crore during the financial year 2020-21 upto November as compared to the corresponding period of previous financial year 2019-20.

This  saving has been possible by taking measures like:-

  • Provision of LED lights for all stations, service buildings, quarters, street light etc.
  • Installation of 2.306MWp solar rooftop plants over SER.
  • Implementation of 70% - 30% lighting system in stations over SER.
  • Pre-paid meters have been installed at several places over SER.
  • Reduction in contract demand at Tatanagar and Adra.

must read