Rashmi Kumari

It’s a good news.Yet another Jharkhand girl Rashmi Kumari will lead India’s team to play the first World School Footbal Cup under 18 tournament slated to be begin on April 14 in Paris (France).

The tournament is slated to start from April 14 to end on April 22.”The team has already reached Paris”,said Sports Authority of India’s Ranchi based football coach Sushil Kumar Verma.

Rashmi,daughter of Uttam Kumar Singh Munda,who is clerk in the Accountant General’s office in Ranchi,is among three of total 18 member team who are trained by Verma at SAI,Ranchi.The other two players are:Pushpa Kumari,Sumitra Marandi.

Among the rest,two players-Sandhya Kacchap and Jhalo Kumari-are from neighbouring Hazaribagh in Jharkhand,

“When she was a kid.she used to see her brothers playing football.Slowly,she began to play football and now she is leading the country’s team’,said her father Munda.

Incidentally,in addition to Rashmi,Jharkhand has a long list of legends in sports.They include late Jaipal Singh Munda who had led the Indian Hockey team in pre independence India,Mahendra Singh Dhoni,Team India captain,Deepika Kumari,World’s top ranking archer and Asunta Lakra,who was captain of India’s women hockey team.

The 18 member Indian team comprises Reshmi of SAI-SAG, Ranchi, Jharkhand.
The other members of teams are as follows:-
1. Ms. Rashmi Kumari – SAI-SAG, Ranchi, Jharkhand
2. ms. Pushpa Kumari – – DO-
3. Ms. Sumitra Marandi – -DO-
4. Ms. Sandhaya Kachhap – Hazaribag, jharkhand
5. Ms. Jhalo Kumari – -Do-
6. Ms. Archana – Bihar
7. Ms. Tara Khatoon – -Do-
8. Ms. S. Logo – Goa
9. Ms. Vilini – -do-
10 Ms. Nibila – -do-
11. Ms. Manju – Haryana
12. Ms. Punam – -do-
13 Ms. Sanju – -do-
14. Ms. Sunaish – -do-
15. Ms. Bimla – -do-
16. Ms. Nirmala – -do-
17. Ms. Nitu – West Bengal
18. Ms. Aliya – Delhi


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