In view of her achievement, Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted saying,

”Congratulations on winning a hard-earned and well-deserved Gold, made possible due to your industrious nature and passion towards shooting. This is truly a special moment for Indian sports. Best wishes for your future endeavors.”

Avani Lekhara, 19-year-old para shooter, made history on Monday by winning the elusive Tokyo Paralympic Games gold. Competing in her maiden Paralympics, Avani shot 249.6 points in the R2 women’s 10m air rifle SH1 category for a Paralympic Record and equal the World Record. 

Earlier, Avani who works as an Assistant Conservator of Forests in Rajasthan and trains at the JDA Shooting Range in Jaipur, shot 621.7 points to finish seventh in qualification and secure a place in the final. She has been wheelchair-bound since a road accident in 2012. The school topper believes life is not about holding good cards but playing well with those one holds.

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