*National Health Authority Chief Executive Officer, Dr R. S.Sharma showing CoWIN app on his mobile

When India set a world record by administering over one billion doses of CoviVax in the country today, National Health Authority Chief Executive Officer, Dr  R. S.Sharma informed that the Centre is going to provide app platform of CoWIN free of cost to every country wanting to have it in its vaccination drive.

“ This is competent of the government. We have to abide by it”, Dr Sharma said in an interaction with a group of people inside Jharkhand Civil Services Officers Institute in Ranchi this morning.

*Dr R.S.Sharma, Manoj Prasad and Jharkhand State Human Rights Commission Member S.K. Satapathy

The group comprised half a dozen persons including Jharkhand State Human Rights Member S.K. Satapathy, IAS,Ex-Speaker, Jharkhand Assembly, C.P.Singh, MLA, Dr A.D.Sharma, Federation of Jharkhand Chamber of Commerce and Industry Member, Kishore Mantri, Ashok Kumar Singh, Dr Rameshwar Singh, Dheeraj and Jharkhand State News. Com Editor Manoj Prasad.

In fact, CoWIN is an app introduced by NHA headed and guided by Dr Sharma for the COVID vaccination process. It is linked with Aadhaar.

Also, CoWIN is considered as the engine that is helping India run one of the biggest vaccination campaigns in the world. And its footprint could potentially get spread across the planet as the Modi govt has offered to share this technological platform with any country that wants to use it. 

*Dr R.S. Sharma and Manoj Prasad, Editor, JharkhandStateNews

Already Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on record showing that he had told a virtual international conclave that India will make the software open source for all countries to use for free and boost their vaccination drives. 

Dr Sharma who had inspected the state government-run Sadar Hospital which had ranked third from top in the list of maximum use of Ayushman health insurance scheme by beneficiaries, left for Delhi today.

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