Jharkhand’s Human Resourse Department is planning to set up a new body-Jharkhand Council of Educational Research and Training(JCERT).

If the plan is anything to go by,JCERT is supposed to be structured along the pattern of National Council of Educational Research and Training,established in New Delhi in 1961.

Like the NCERT,JCERT is supposed to have functions such as curriculum building,improving class room teaching,preparing teachers and making schools and class rooms child centred.

To make JCERT function with its mandate,the state government is planning to get it registered under the Society Registration Act,1867 and appoint its personnel including Director,Deputy Director,Assistant Director,Secretary,Accountant and so on.The process of appointment has reportedly started.

Records show that NCERT could function and deliver at the national level mainly because the best and brightest among the educationists were selected and appointed to man it.

In Jharkhand,where merit was always sacrificed to promote mediocracy,a question doing the rounds in the corridors of power is:Will JCERT help some influential persons of the state to pack it up with their men and women to turn it as a white elephant or whether this new educational body be led by a team of learned personnel with administrative capability?The answer lies in the womb of future,right?

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