He is among 22 people who were injured and is undergoing treatment after violent clashes in Ranchi during protests on June 10 against now-suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma's alleged objectionable remarks against Prophet Muhammad and Islam. 

The protesters were demanding the arrest of Ms. Sharma. Among them is Absar who was shot six times and is recovering at a state government-run RIMS hospital.

Absar, who is undergoing treatment at RIMS said he was returning from the market when he noticed the chaos and was hit by six bullets. He claims he was returning from the market and was not participating in the protest when he saw a group of people pelting stones, and the police firing in response. 

He said he tried to get away but was shot at and fell to the ground. He was shot six times, he says, adding that four bullets have been taken out but two are still lodged in his body. 

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