Decades after they indulged in widespread violence, Maoists are leaking dust today.” There is no place in Bihar and Jharkhand that is impenetrable”, said DG of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Kuldeep Singh.

Addressing media persons in Patna on Wednesday, he declared that “Bihar is now free from Left Wing Extremism”.

The scene is no different in Jharkhand where Maoists may have some presence in the form of extortion gangs. But there is no place in Bihar and Jharkhand where the rebel outfit is dominating, Singh said

Minutes later, Union home minister Amit Shah took to Twitter to commend the role of the security forces in their fight against Maoists. “Zero tolerance policy of Home Ministry against terrorism and Left-wing extremism (LWE) will continue,” Shah wrote on Twitter in Hindi.

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