Investigations have revealed that 2.36 lakh ration cards were fake in Jharkhand.As a result, all these fake ration cards will be cancelled benefitting authentic PDS card holders , it is learnt.
Notably,ration card is the official document issued by the respective state governments in the country. So is the case in Jharkhand where the ration card enables eligible households to buy food grains at subsidized rates under the National Food Security Act (NFSA). 

The document serves as a common form of identification for many individuals.

These cards are issued after the state governments after identifying eligible households for purchasing food grains at subsidized rates from the Public Distribution System.

Following the finding of fake ration cards, actual beneficiaries are not getting free ration comprising wheat, rice and so on announced by Narendra Modi government.

Inquiry has found data showing East Singhbhum district alone had 35,834 fake ration card holders.

In the district wise list of fake ration card owners, Dhanbad stand on the top second position with 26,285 fake ration card owners.

In Ranchi, the number of fake ration card holders was 22,135.

These findings were the outcome of investigations carried out by Department of Food & Public Distribution during February 1 - 21 in Jharkhand. The modus operandi  was camps organised under the umbrella of “ Empowerment of Public Distribution System when ration cards were linked with Aadhar numbers.

Next, when the investigators used 
biometric devices based on ration card holders’ finger prints and iris,they  found that they were collecting ration from PDS shops located outside states such as Bihar,Haryana,West Bengal, Delhi and Odisha.

Their number was estimated to be 2.36 lakh. Due to these fake ration card owners, actual beneficiaries were not getting free ration announced by the Modi government.

Now, the authentic ration card owners will start getting benefits of the food policy of the central and state government.


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