Since India  has the land where protecting nature is part of its culture, it has many unique achievements in wildlife conservation over the years, according to wild life conservation authority of India.

Notably,with only 2.4 percent of the world’s land area, India contributes about 8 percent of the known global biodiversity. 

India is the largest tiger range country in the world. With nearly 30,000 elephants, India has the largest Asiatic elephant range space in the world! 

India’s rhino population of nearly 3000 makes it have the largest single-horn rhino country in the world. 

Forest officials say that India the only country in the world to have Asiatic lions.The lion population has increased from around 525 in 2015 to around 675 in 2020. Our leopard population went up by over 60 percent in just 4 years. 

The work being done to clean up rivers such as the Ganga has helped bio-diversity. Some aquatic species that were considered to be in danger have shown improvement. These achievements are all due to people’s participation and a culture of conservation, सबका प्रयास।

For wildlife to thrive, it is important for ecosystems to thrive. This has been happening in India. While celebrating 75 years of independence, India added eleven wetlands to its list of Ramsar sites. This took the total number of Ramsar Sites to 75. 

Forest and tree cover are also increasing. India added over Two Thousand Two Hundred square kilometers of forest and tree cover by 2021, when compared to 2019. 

In the last decade, the number of Community Reserves increased from Forty Three to over One Hundred. In a decade, the number of National Parks and sanctuaries around which Eco-sensitive Zones were notified increased from nine to four hundred and sixty eight.

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