Come June 18, and the people of Jharkhand may get time to greet monsoon.At least one can hope so on the basis of prediction made today by a Met expert.

“The monsoon is likely to hit the state between June 18 and 21”, said a Meteorological Department officer.

If his forecast comes true, the much awaited monsoon rains will provide relief to people of the state from the current heat conditions.

Records show that monsoon had arrived near Sahibgunj district in north east part of the state on June 12, but it ended its movement and did not proceed further as conditions were said to be “ not favourable

Ranchi Met Centre in- charge informed that “ conditions are likely to become favourable for further advancement of the monsoon from June 18 in the eastern reason. In effect, it may enter Jharkhand between June 18 and 21.

The mercury level has been touching around 40 degree Celsius in Ranchi during the past one week and situation is likely to remain the same for at least next one week.

must read