The prices of vegetables such as beans,onion, ginger and tomatoes have shot up in market.

If beans, onion and ginger are being sold at Rs Rs 160,Rs 30 and Rs 200 per kg, tomatoes are selling at Rs 80 per kg in Ranchi retail market.

The prices of these vegetables are expected to rise further in retail market across the country, according to a report.

As per The Hindu,tomatoes are set to shoot up more than  ₹100 per kilo because of the severe short supply.

Last week, the rates of tomatoes had shot up to over ₹80 level. The English daily mentioned that a 15-kg crate of tomatoes was sold for  ₹1,100 in Kolar wholesale APMC market on Sunday. The effect of this will be seen in the retail market in the Ranchi city soon.

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