For the first time, a “fake” message going viral on WhatsApp has been refuted by the top court in India. 

The purported message is that of the Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud. It reportedly claims that CJI Chandrachud has asked people to come out on the streets and protest against the government.  

This was rubbished by the Secretary General of the Supreme Court. On being contacted by Law Today, the Secretary General of the Supreme Court and also the Solicitor General of India Tushar Mehta confirmed that the message being circulated was fake. 

Secretary General of the Supreme Court Atul Kurhekar told Law Today that no such statement has been made by the CJI and the WhatsApp “message” being circulated widely in English and Hindi is a fake.  

On being contacted, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta also called the circulated message fake and said that action will be taken in this regard.


must read