Doctors providing private service in the state government hospitals will launch a state-wide protest in Jharkhand. 

In all, nearly 12,000 doctors will remain out of duty with effect from September 22, according to the Indian Medical Association, Jharkhand unit. 

They took the decision to protest against the physical assault of a doctor Kamlesh Oraon inside Jamshedpur medical college on September 19 and the state government’s lackadaisical approach toward their demand of the Medical Protection Bill. 

Already, the ongoing strike by doctors at MGM Hospital in Jamshedpur has escalated as they demand justice for a junior doctor who was brutally assaulted by the family members of a deceased patient on Monday night. 

The incident has left the healthcare system in disarray in Jamshedpur, affecting thousands of patients who rely on the hospital’s services. 

The situation has taken a serious turn as doctors remain resolute in their strike until the accused assailants are arrested and sent to jail. “Nobody was arrested. More often than not, doctors on duty get beaten up and assaulted. 

The latest crime was committed against Dr Oraon inside MGM, Jamshedpur. We can not keep getting beaten up while doing duty”, says Dr Pradeep Singh, Secretary, IMA, Jharkhand.  

Jharkhand State Health Service, the Junior Doctors Association, and Private Doctors are supporting the doctors’ decision to launch a strike. 

Their demands include 

1. All accused responsible for assaulting Dr Oraon should be punished. 

2. Remove the deputed Administrative Officer and maintenance responsibility of the medical colleges should be handed over Director, Superintendent, and Dean. 

3. A Medical Protection Bill be adopted and enforced to protect the security of medical staff.

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