The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi addressed the contingent of Indian athletes who participated in the Asian Games 2022 at Major Dhyan Chand Stadium in New Delhi today. He also interacted with the athletes. India won 107 medals including 28 gold medals in the Asian Games 2022 making this the best performance in terms of the total number of medals won in the continental multi-sport event. 

Addressing the contingent, the Prime Minister welcomed them on behalf of every citizen and congratulated them for their success. It is a pleasant coincidence, the Prime Minister recalled, that the inaugural edition of the Asian Games took place in this very stadium in 1951. The Prime Minister underlined that the courage and determination shown by the athletes have taken every nook and corner of the nation into a celebratory mood. 


Noting the labour put behind to achieve the target of 100 plus medals, the Prime Minister emphasized that the entire nation is experiencing a feeling of pride. He also congratulated the coaches and trainers and praised the physios and officials for their contributions. The Prime Minister bowed before the parents of all athletes and highlighted the contributions and sacrifices made by the families. “From the training ground to the podium, the journey is impossible without the support of the parents”, the Prime Minister said. 

The programme is an endeavour by the Prime Minister to congratulate the athletes for their outstanding achievement at the Asian Games 2022 and to motivate them for future competitions. India won a total of 107 medals, including 28 gold medals in Asian Games 2022. This is India's best performance in the Asian Games in terms of total number of medals won. 


The program was attended by the athletes of the Indian contingent for the Asian Games, their coaches, officials from the Indian Olympic Association, representatives of National Sports Federations, and officials from the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports.

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