Pictutre shows Advance Life Saving & Cardiac Care Mobile Van donated by Parimal Nathwani to RIMS hospital in Ranchi.

Our state celebrates its 17th foundation day on November 15,2016,the people of Ranchi are happy.Reason?

They received a gift from Rajya Sabha Member Parimal Nathwani on the auspicious Jharkhand day. Nathwani donated an Advance Life Saving & Cardiac Care Ambulance Van to Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS),a state government run hospital.

The ambulance will soon be handed over to RIMS authorities and will be put to use to transport critically ill patients.

Nathwani specially got a Tempo Traveller ambulance tailor-made to be equipped as an advanced ICU ambulance under close supervision of automobile and medical experts at Mumbai.

Keeping in view the needs of critically ill patients, the ambulance is equipped with ventilator, multi-para monitor, de-fibrillator, suction-machine, glucometer, nebulizer kit, infusion pump etc with related accessories. The ambulance is also fitted with auto-loading stretcher, folding wheel-chair, spine-board, head-immobilizer besides stethoscope, B.P. instrument etc.

This ambulance was earlier earmarked to the Indian Red-Cross Society, Ranchi but it is now to be given to RIMS.Nathwani has also decided to donate one more of such Advance Life Saving & Cardiac Care Mobile Van for Jamshedpur as early as possible.

It is pertinent here to note that Shri Nathwani earlier had reconstructed de novo the Ratu Road Hospital Building of Ranch Municipal Corporation and dedicated the same to the people of Ranchi.

Nathwani, for whom education and health of people form focus of his work in Jharkhand, has hoped that this Advance Life Saving & Cardiac Care Mobile Ambulance will better be put to use for the people of Jharkhand.

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