*FJCCI welcomed DGP Anurag Gupta and others police officers at its headquarter office in Ranchi on Sunday( August 4,2024).

Responding to repeated appeal of the businessmen and industrialists to provide them security and allow smooth movement of commercial vehicles in the city, top police officers of the state led by DGP Anurag Gupta apprised them of their resolve to free Ranchi roads from traffic jams. 

Senior police officers heard the grievances of businessmen and industrialists and expressed their own plans to deal with crime,traffic congestion,cyber crime, hoarding and parking facility. 

The DGP Anurag Gupta directed the Ranchi police officers to identify scrap dealers in Ranchi and provide security to life and property of the businessmen and industrialists in the capital city.  

The Federation of Jharkhand Chamber of Commerce and Industry(FJCCI) led by its President Kishore Mantri had oragsnised the meeting with police officers. 

The meeting held inside the FJCCI office in main road began by welcoming the DGP Anurag Gupta. Federation of Jharkhand Chamber of Commerce and Industry( FJCCI).


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