On the occasion of the Independence Day 2024, eight police officers in Jharkhand among 1,037 police personnel, fire service members, home guards and civil defence (HG&CD) personnel, and correctional services staff in the country will be awarded gallantry and service medals.
These eight police officers are -
1.Deepak Pandey, SP, Garhwa
2.Vishwajit Kumar Singh, Sub Inspector
3.Umesh Singh, Hawaldar
4.Subhash Das
6.Ravindra Toppo,Constable
7.Gopal Ganjhu, Constable
8.Umesh Singh, Constable
For the first time, gallantry award will be given to Fire Service in Jharkhand. These gallantry award medals will be given by the Union Home Ministry as per its announcement on Wednesday.
They are, as per Union Home Ministry’s announcment, among 1,037 police personnel, fire service members, home guards and civil defence (HG&CD) personnel, and correctional services staff who have been listed to be awarded gallantry and service medals on the occasion of Independence Day 2024.