Premlata Agrawal,49, the oldest woman in India to have climbed Mt. Everest, who conquered Mt. Vinson in Antarctica in pursuit of the ‘Mountaineering Challenge’ of climbing the ‘Seven Summits’.was conferred the Padamshree award for her outstanding achievements in sports.

She is the first woman of her age who had received this award.

Premlalata,a housewife and mother of two grown up daughters,had conquered Mount Everest in the summer of 2011.Sponsored by Tata Steel, Premlata completed her Mt. Vinson expedition on January 6.

Now she aims to conquer all the seven summits is considered a member of the ‘Hall of Fame’ for mountaineers.If she achieves the remarkable feat, which she is looking to accomplish in 2013, she will become the first Indian woman and one of the oldest in the world to conquer all seven summits.

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