*Representational Picture courtesy indiatv.com
Monsoon is likely to hit Ranchi and other parts of Jharkhand and Bengal between June 9-15,the India Meteorological Department officials predict.
The southwest monsoon is expected to arrive in Goa in today-tomorrow with heavy rains being predicted at isolated places in the coastal state, Met department said today.
In fact, the monsoon has already reached Northern Karnataka and is proceeding towards Goa. It is expected to arrive in the coastal state on in the next 24 hours," India Meteorology Department's (IMD's) Goa Observatory Director M L Sahu told PTI.
The southwest monsoon already hit Kerala on May 29 and reached Shirali in Karnataka on May 31."The monsoon will cover the Konkan belt and entire Maharashtra in its path soon",MET officer said.In fact,Goa receives 2500 mm rainfall per year.
"As per projections this year, the regional average of monsoon is expected to be 95 percent which means rains would be normal," Sahu said.