Picture shows Jharkhand CM Raghubar Das holding meeting inside Project Bhawan in Ranchi with the state’s top officials including Chief Secretary Raj Bala Verma,Additional Chief Secretary cum incharge of Finance Amit Khare,the CM’s Principal Secretary Sanjay Kumar,Principal Secretary K.Vidya Sagar,Secretary,Education,Aradhana Patnaik and the CM’s Secretary,Sunil Kumar Barnwal on July 13,2016.

Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das on Wednesday directed the state government officials to ensure that drinking water,health and education facilities were provided to people in mining areas of the state.

“To do so,prepare a plan.To begin with,include the block of those areas where mines were located.Then implement the plan in the entire district”,said the CM.

The CM said that in Saranda forest area in West Singhbhum,the people often received ‘red water’.”Keep this area in priority zone”,he said while reviewing the works of the District Mineral Foundation Trust inside his office at Project Bhawan in Ranchi.

He directed these officers to write a letter to Deputy Commissioners to hold meeting of the Mineral Foundation Trust as soon as possible.”Make the plan on the basis of suggestions coming out from these meetings.In the coming month,they should hold meeting with the DCs,prepare plans and look for ways to implement them”,said the CM.

In the meeting,it was decided to speed up work to set up Health Centres in these districts.”After receiving report from the DC,appropriate information can be acquired for areas to set up pipeline for water supply,school premise,sub health centre,PSC and so on.

“The success in implementation of the plan can be gained through a team work.We have to provide these services to people in mining areas as soon as possible”,he observed.

The meeting was attended among others by Chief Secretary Raj Bala Verma,Additional Chief Secretary cum incharge of Finance Department, Amit Khare,the CM’s Principal Secretary Sanjay Kumar,Principal Secretary K.Vidya Sagar,Secretary,Education,Aradhana Patnaik and the CM’s Secretary,Sunil Kumar Barnwal.

Barnwal informed that the state was to receive Rs 1000 crore revenue through major minerals in 2016-17.”This will mark increase of the revenue by 10 percent”,he said.


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