The percentage of rain fall has come down by climate change, indicates a report prepared by the Jharkhand government.

The report,prepared by the state Agriculture Department and noted by the state Rural Development Department,is the first study to find the signal of climate change in the fall of rail in different parts of Jharkhand.

“It’s worth saying that this is visible on that vast pile of data gathered by the state Agriculture Department that that climate change is real and the percentage of rail fall in Jharkhand was much less in comparison to its average rain fall in the past”,said Jharkhand’s Principal Secretary(Rural Development) N.N.Sinha.

The worst percentage of rain fall was reccorded in 2014(April-June) when the state gained just 821 MM against the averge rain fall of 1035.Similarly,during April-October 2015,the rainfall was 968 MM against the average percentage of 1175.

Worse,the average percentage of rain fall was low and high monthwise as well causing draught with a difference.
As the rainfall was normal in the initial period of monsoon,the paddy crop gained weight.Subsequently,when the paddy plants were about to be cut,dry weather dried paddy leaves causing draught across Jharkhand.

Data gathered by the state Agriculture Department reveal as follows:The average rain fall(in MM) against actual rainfall ratio during April-September 2007 was 1134: 1286.

In 2008, the data were 1134:1132;in 2009, 1134:845;in 2010 1134:644;in 2011, 1134:1312;in 2012, 1134:919;in 2013, 1134;821;in 2014(April-June),1035:821and in 2015,1175:968.”These data clearly show that the rain fall has been coming down over the years”,said Sinha.

If these data are correct,the climate change can be the reason behind the slowing down of the rain fall in Jharkhand.

In any case,met data indicate that heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere were causing shift precipitation in two main ways. The first shift is in a strengthening of existing precipitation patterns. This is commonly called “wet get wetter, dry get drier.”

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