About 600 delegates from across the world will attend an International conference on biotechnology including industrial biotechnology, biofuels and bioenergy, starting in Thiruvananthapuram tomorrow.

Renowned Indian Scientists, including Javed Agrewala from IMTECH Chandigargh, S Venkata Mohan from IICT Hyderabad, T Bhaskar from IIP Dehradun,PramodWangikar from IIT Bombay,SwaroopSarangan from Reliance Industries Ltd, Sangeeta Srivastava from Godwari Refineries, would also attend the four day event.

CSIR’s National Institute of Interdisciplinary Science and Technology and the Biotech Research Society are jointly conducting the event.

The conference will be inaugurated by Professor Asis Datta, National Institute for Plant Genome Research, New Delhi.

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