*Representational Picture courtesy booking.com shows BNR Chankakya hotel in Ranchi.

Shopping malls and markets around the country took on different shades this weekend to celebrate the Muslim festival- Eid.

The Church complex in Ranchi Went green, a prominent color in Islamic history, on Thursday to celebrate the end of the holy month of Ramadan. This year the official holiday fell on Friday, June 15, 2018..

In fact, shopping malls and markets change color for significant events and religious holidays, including Christmas, Easter and Diwali. It turned red and white for the tribal festival-Sarhul and went saffron to honour officers and office-bearers of the ruling BJP.

The bright green malls, shops and market complexes were social media hit over the weekend. Across Muslim dominated markets-daily market, the Main road, Firayalal and Doranda market was packed with vendors and shopkeepers, each yelling and selling colourful products.

The state government has declared June 15 as holiday though the festival of Eid is celebrated a day after the moon was spotted."We hope Eid falls on Saturday", Samir Shah, a school teacher, said, echoing the sentiments of many Muslims in Ranchi.

However, all is not well. The traffic system was paralyzed. And since prayers are going to be offered on the main roads, movement of vehicles is set to remain paralyzed on the holiday.   


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